
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Comfy Yoi Shoes

Hello and happy new year for all of you :)

So this is my first post in 2011 and it's not about how I spent my new year's eve. I'll let Rara spill every single detail of it on her own blog(s). She got the photos (and the illustration) by the way.

Okay, on this post, I will introduce you to my new pair of (urhmm..) yo'i shoes. Yes. Some of you might still remember the last pair I bought with Y and how they turned out to be not so comfortable to wear. (Sorry, dear. Blame the shoes, don't blame your choice. I love you for that anyway :D) And some of you might have read the homecoming story when I got 'teased' by Cak Wier because of that old shoes. I told my mom about it and her reaction was obvious: she insisted me to get new pair of shoes.

So that last Sunday, January 2, My mom and dad took me to Pondok Indah Mall to find shoes. Being pushed that way, I was really hoping I could get that darn shoes easily without the after-wear side effect. And then, there were they. Two pairs of Reebok. Sitting nicely on the rack with the label "Kids" on it. White and velcro. One with black accent on the back, and the other one with pink accent.

I wasn't sure at first, that they would fit in my feet well because they're size 37 they're the biggest (because they're for kids!). But, hey. I got flexy-feet! How could I almost forget that?! My feet can fit a range of sizes, from 37 to 41. Cool, huh?

So, Ta-daaaa!

I've been wearing them for 3 days straight. They're super comfortable and cute enough to be adored. Right?